Friday, October 29, 2010

Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!

I sincerely apologize after performing David Copperfield's act for 5 months. As in any roller coaster ride, life is full for ups and downs as well but hopefully after some difficult 5 months, everything will be fine. Always reminding myself and hopefully to the readers as well that,
 'Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!' - Robert Schuller
Back to my '5 months' interrupted journey to financial freedom, KLSE have been rallying to 1500. So if you are holding stocks that still stand like a rock (ex. Protasco), what would you do? 
For me, I will review back the stocks and if anything changed from the initial reason of buying it. Of course, always reviewing own stock picking is important as well as there are so much that we still need to learn. Learning is an endless journey.

For the time being, just enjoy as the bull charging.

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