Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kfima - Plantation Division

As plantation division is one of the fastest growing contributor to Kfima bottomline , it will be key to future earning of Kfima.
A check on the Kfima website reveal the following information of the plantation division,

Ladang Ayer Baloi/Machap - Pineapple and Palm Oil Cultivation (2200acres)
Ladang Kota Tinggi - Oil Palm Cultivation (1065acres)
Modern Farming Project -Pineapple Cultivation (300acres)
Fima TLP-Feedlot Sdn Bhd - Cattle Farming
PT Nunukan Jaya Lestari - Oil Palm Cultivation and FFB processing (49,356acres)

With the information, it is clear that future earning contribution from the plantation division will be much dictated by Palm Oil.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Review of KFima Q3 2010 Result - 2

According to the report, the better performance for 9 months period was due to manufacturing and plantation division and higher share of profit from associate company as well as one off recognition of capital gain of RM5.25 mil from the disposal of Banding Resorts.
Please note the impressive profit registered by Manufacturing and Plantation division.

Review of KFima Q3 2010 Result - 1

Current Price (24/2/2010) : RM0.86
NTA: RM1.48
Cash balances: 110mil
Total borrowings: 28mil + 47 mil = 75mil

3rd Quarter EPS: 6.88sen
Total EPS for 3 Quarters 2010: 17.65 sen
Assuming Fourth Quarter EPS to be 6 sen, PE would be 86/17.65+6 = 3.6.

Kumpulan Fima Bhd

Kumpulan Fima Bhd
Investment Holding company.

Core Business:
1. Manufacturing Division - Production and trading of security and confidential documents.
2. Plantation Divison - approximately 52,475 acres, of oil palm and pineapple plantation.
3. Food Division - canning of fish and pineapple as well as packaging of food products.
4. Bulking Division - bulk handling and storage of liquid and semi liquid products, as well as
transportation and forwarding services.
5. Property Investment - derived from rental of office block Bukit Damansara, warehouse in
Bangi and factory building in Pekan Nanas.
6. Trading Division - international trading and military aviation agencies.

Selected for Forbes Asia 'Best Under a Billion' in 2009.


It is not an easy feat to be successful in the Share market. The journey can be liken to be riding a roller coaster. It is full of ups and downs, coupled with astonishing twist and turns. The feeling of being on top of the world can be twisted and turned to a journey down to hell.
Not for the risk adverse, not for fainted heart, and definitely not for those who is not well prepared for the journey.

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